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Approved Trail Volunteer Program

We are pleased to introduce our new Approved Trail Volunteer Program. This program will allow us to increase our trail maintenance capacity, while engaging in a new way with active members of our trail community.

If you are interested in helping with regular maintenance of the trails at Harold Town Conservation Area on your own time, including raking, leaf blowing, trimming and other jobs, we want to hear from you.

Are you the right fit? Probably! 

The ideal Approved Trail Volunteer is: 

  • Someone who has attended multiple PTA group builds and has shown:

    • Initiative and ability to work independently

    • They follow given guidelines or direction

    • They help direct other volunteers

  • Mature and trustworthy

  • Someone who shares ideas and accepts feedback

  • 18 years old or older 

If you are interested in becoming an Approved Trail Volunteer with the PTA, please email us.

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